Next grumpy one, tell him you'll take payment in homebrew kitsthen again, earlier this year, i was called out to an elderly gent who's outside socket had stopped working. found that it was spurred off a kitchen socket which was also dead. after 45 minutes searching for the fault, i traced it back to a FCU supplying the cooker hood. the sockets were wired from there and the fuse has blown. fitted fuse, sockets working. he then asked me to look at a fault in his shed. 3 double sockets, spider wired from a JB, no earth sleeving anywhere. disconnected all the cpc's and sleeved them, told him it really wanted rewiring but he said he couldn't afford that. checked my watch. i had been there 1hr.45min. told him £40 and he said i was ripping him off. miserable old sod.
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