Moved (new or used) panels are ineligible for FiTs if they have previously formed part of a FiT registered system.
(Gordon, Gavin has already answered the op correctly. 12 months no longer applies for extensions.)
Then I will accept whatever comes.
The reasons I did the first install was not primarily for gain as we had to spilt the install and it was just under 16k in Jan 2011
So the same system would now be about 11k and I have just made 2k this yr.(Including savings) So I have reduced greenhouse gases at a net cost of 3k wasted. I have also helped kick start the industry for others-we were the first install in the village.
I foresee a time when electricity prices will be dire and my kids are only on basic wages. We did their washing etc before and will do it again.
Perhaps TED could let me know the worst case scenario in this situation? In case I am asked by my brother who wants to up his system 14 months after install--over a year like me.
Best wishes
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