Well if you have a circuit from the house fused at 32 Amps and you were to say add a fused connection unit to it as a spur then would that be adding a new circuit?
In this particular instance the cable runs from the house and is fused at 32 Amps, the cable was already in the garage.
So what's the difference between adding a fused connection unit and a spur or adding an MCB and then a spur?
If you see what I am getting at.
P.S. I got a din rail timer really cheap, a fiver as it was old stock with no instruction manual.
Only 2 Amps inductive load so it can't carry much but it's OK for Christmas lights.
Also I might go with Stroma for my first year as they only cost ÂŁ250.
And if anyone is concerned about me doing work outside of part P then my assessment job was designed and built by me under the very watchful eye of my NICEIC Boss.
I had to figure it all out and he would say if wrong or right.
Effectively I did it as his employee but he will allow me to use it at my assessment.
I have to do all the paperwork and tests, load calculations, diversity, cable installation methods etc myself and then convince the assessor I am competent.
Although from what I am hearing by approaching some of these Part P bodies, I do not have to know very much to be welcomed on board.