Don't know with Tigo but with Enecsys the differences can be huge. As usual, I'm at the other end of the country and cannot access my spreadsheet: I've been compiling a comparison between the PV meter and the EnviR and the PV meter and the Enecsys website day by day. Provided the smart bridge doesn't freeze on the EnviR system the error between it and the PV meter is about 1 to 2% under all weather conditions. Contrast that with the Enecsys system whereby on a reasonably sunny winter day the error is about 3% and on a cloudy day with a low harvest it can be off by anything up to 150%. The problem is that the monitor seems to have poor performance at low power and absorbs most of the produced energy to drive the inverter. What ends up reaching the PV meter is piffling compared to what it claims to have produced. Overall though, so far, the Enecsys system is reading about 6% higher than the meter but I expect that gap to reduce as the summer comes. Tigo may suffer from a similar problem?