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Distance between meter and cut out

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My main cut out and meter is in a small cupboard above a kitchen sink. The CU is in the utility room next door. The tails are approx 2 meters long. The DNO has said there is not enough room for a smart meter in the small cupboard.
Is it allowable to fit the smart meter next to the CU in the utility room as long as the tails do not exceed 3m? Or is there a max allowable distance from the cutout to the meter? I can't seem to find any regulations that apply.
Isn't it the case you get paid FIT on the basis of what the panels produce and then if you do not have a smart meter it is assumed that 50% of that goes to the grid (and you use 50%) and you get that payment also. Thats how mine works.
Because it gives me access to 6 hrs every night of electricity at 7p/kWh... and with 90% of my electricity usage in those 6 hrs... my average rate for all electricity is about 9.5p/kWh. Without a smart meter, I'd be paying over twice that !

The DNO in NI doesn't fit smart meters, yet off-peak tariffs are available. Prior to the advent of smart meters in GB off-peak tariffs were available.
Having a smart meter saves me a fortune... I've never really got my head around why there's so much resentment towards them...
I think it's more towards what the future brings with them and their ability to measure true power. Half remember a video from bigclivedotcom that went through it. How a phone charger on a normal meter might be 1p a day to run and on a smart meter it could measure a different way and charge you 10p a day. Figures are exaggerated obviously.

Edit: Found the video.
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