Hi folks. I am regularly experiencing tingling shocks from my laptop and kettle. Both of these things are plugged into something with a ground plug.
I decided to measure the neutral to earth voltage, at least for the nodes I can reach at my plug. I see significant AC voltages measured between the ground pin and the neutral: maybe 90 V or so. I'm not sure in this house wiring which pin is line and which is neutral, but I've included photos of four relevant measurements in this post.
I would have expected one of these measurements to come out low: perhaps 0-10V AC. Instead, they all look like either our nominal 240V here in Rwanda, or some point halfway between line and neutral.
Does this seem like an earthing problem? Also, could this indicate significant imbalance in my area, which the utility should do something to correct?
Also, if I do provide a solid earth between the panel ground and physical earth, can I expect a pretty big neutral current? I'm inviting an electrician to my house (as I am an electrical engineering professor but know my limits and respect technicians) but curious what you folks think, and thanks for your attention to a first time post!
I decided to measure the neutral to earth voltage, at least for the nodes I can reach at my plug. I see significant AC voltages measured between the ground pin and the neutral: maybe 90 V or so. I'm not sure in this house wiring which pin is line and which is neutral, but I've included photos of four relevant measurements in this post.
I would have expected one of these measurements to come out low: perhaps 0-10V AC. Instead, they all look like either our nominal 240V here in Rwanda, or some point halfway between line and neutral.
Does this seem like an earthing problem? Also, could this indicate significant imbalance in my area, which the utility should do something to correct?
Also, if I do provide a solid earth between the panel ground and physical earth, can I expect a pretty big neutral current? I'm inviting an electrician to my house (as I am an electrical engineering professor but know my limits and respect technicians) but curious what you folks think, and thanks for your attention to a first time post!