It's Pozi-tively shocking.
After i left university, the plan was always to join the police force - i did a degree based around it, spent my childhood planning it, and generally had no interest in any other line of work, other than being a police man. The thought of helping people on a daily basis, and going home feeling satisfied that i have spent my working day, helping others, and potentially making the world a little safer. Call me naive, but that was the plan and it appealed to me.
But as i grew old and wise, found myself on the wrong end of the police on several occasions in circumstances that were not only necessarily to do with me, nor requiring police at all, and being treated the way i was, my opinion began to slowly dissolve along with my passion, after all, if that was what was expected of me, to behave like a total jeb end, then i wasnt interested.
The final straw came, when the coalition govnmt came into power, promising 5000 new front line police job because national security was important, blah blah, then all of a sudden 25-30,000 police jobs are cut, mainly front line coppers, then the country implodes into rioting. oops. Coupled now with idiot bureaucrats and a racists beyond belief employment policy, it would probably take my about 6 years to get into a full time police job.
The problem is however, ( no tin hat this time because this is how it is) i am not black nor asian, i am not gay, i have full use of my limbs and faculties, i am not female, instead, i am 25, can bench press just under 100kgs, can run 40 yards in a blink, am white, am capable, am intelligent, am ambitious but i care about other people, the problem is, i dont give two bat farts about home office targets and dont meet their strict racial profile. the police have turned themselves into a hypocritical, disfunctional, racist group of incompetent fools, who IMHO have lost sight of what is important, and totally lost sight of discretion and rationality.
I wouldnt join the police now for anything, it doesnt suit the good natured person that i am. Beating innocent people and tasering hard working corner stones of the working society just dont sit with me very well. We need police, i understand that, but bring back PC Plod from the 50's who would treat a situation with reasonable and rational thought, and make a judgement based on fairness and proportionality.