The amount of times I have been asked by the person who is in charge of the kitchen,we all know who that may be,bless her heart
"What do you recommend as the best light for the kitchen" ?
This is the point where I then waste my breath by saying that the only suitable light is the bog standard fluorescent
This is met by,"Yes,I expect it is,but I want something that looks nice"
The "look nice" and the "suitable light" requests can't be married
Have you ever had the feeling that being able to work with electrics somehow makes people think that we have expertise in function and effect of the most difficult of decisions
The good woman then makes the decision (which she only wanted confirmation of in the first place),its either the flamethrowers recessed in,or the Robin Hood hand tool,yes the horrible Bow strip light
If you see this post as a rant,don't get me started on helicopters,you know what they are ?,those ridiculous lights that have a fan whirling around the shades.oh my, oh my