Block of apartments. All ccts protected by only.
Code 4 for all ccts not protected by rcd other than socket ccts. No probs.
What I am wondering is code 2 for non rcd sockets ground floor apartment's only or all apartments ground floor and above.
Also landlord's sockets I imagine could only be in use for cleaners only (not labeled though and anyone could use them) so do we think this also would require rcd protection?
OK then you want an answer without debate.
No such thing as a code 4.
You are assessing the condition of the electrical installation to confirm/or not that it is safe for continued use.
You are assessing the installation in relation to current standards.
If you look closely in the notes about code 3, you will see "Does not comply with current standards improvement recommended, compliance with current standards does not deem the installation to be unsafe" or words to that effect.
If the installation is compliant with earlier standards, and there is nothing else wrong with it, then you can only code anything code 3, so you are correct, code 3 non rcd protected circuits, but you cant code 2 downstairs sockets, unless a risk of danger exist, and it doesn't. We were never allowed to construct dangerous installations, even under the 1st edition, so if it was OK then, it is still OK now, we cant form opinions, we have to be factual, but you can give advice about improvement, because we have change and things get better, but you cant force it on people.
Yes RCD protection to landlord socket is RECOMMENDED code 3.
I have a Ford Cortina, it has no airbags, no side impact bars etc etc, but it isnt dangerous, and i am not rushing off to the garage for it all fitting, i can still drive it, and it works fine.