Hello guys,
I'm going to try to get the EAL NVQ level 3 portfolio completed this year.
The problem I have is that when I look at the criteria the language used can be very confusing, leading me to not be 100% sure
how to provide the evidence ( provide a picture and small write-up, or just a write-up).
I'm doing my electrical qualification with Optionsskills, its a 6-week course then you self-study for theory exams (I've already done all of them)
portfolio, 3 practical assessments, then the AM2. I'm only 5 months into working as an electrician's mate and want to get the portfolio boxed off.
I'm not asking to cheat that's not my intention. I just don't really know how to fill out the word documents for my portfolio and hope someone can possibly help/show guidance as my tutors haven't been too helpful?
Here are my site diaries below for reference.
Thanks guys,
I'm going to try to get the EAL NVQ level 3 portfolio completed this year.
The problem I have is that when I look at the criteria the language used can be very confusing, leading me to not be 100% sure
how to provide the evidence ( provide a picture and small write-up, or just a write-up).
I'm doing my electrical qualification with Optionsskills, its a 6-week course then you self-study for theory exams (I've already done all of them)
portfolio, 3 practical assessments, then the AM2. I'm only 5 months into working as an electrician's mate and want to get the portfolio boxed off.
I'm not asking to cheat that's not my intention. I just don't really know how to fill out the word documents for my portfolio and hope someone can possibly help/show guidance as my tutors haven't been too helpful?
Here are my site diaries below for reference.
Thanks guys,
Unit-001-Site-Diary.docx62.6 KB · Views: 290
Unit-002-Site-Diary.docx60.8 KB · Views: 136
Unit-003-Site-Diary.docx64 KB · Views: 107
Unit-004-Site-Diary.docx67.1 KB · Views: 97
Unit-005-Site-Diary.docx62.7 KB · Views: 82
Unit-006-Site-Diary.docx65.2 KB · Views: 92
Unit-007-Site-Diary.docx65.2 KB · Views: 103