The regs are a design document, and most sparks day to day will leave it to gather dust in the van. The Zs tables contained are at 70 degrees, so you apply the 0.8 correction factor (if you want the science and calcs it is in Appx 14).
Most sparks will refer to the OSG, which as someone has already said, the tables have been corrected for us, and are at ambient (20 degrees) so that is the figure you need to meet.
You could go on and on, but to be fair a slight rise or drop in ambient temp is not going to make any significant difference to your Zs values, so the ones in the OSG are adequate for most day to day scenarios you will encounter, hence we use the OSG and not the regs. We may on occasion get colder, but seldom do we experience temperatures of more than 30 degrees unless it is a specific installation that does get hot, saunas etc.