No, I don't.. Why would I have a full copy? I use the Guides to BS7671 Good Practice and Inspection and Testing, because as everyone on this forum knows I am not claiming to be an electrician. I do domestic stuff, I do it well, I test it and install it to the best of my ability, and I seek asistance where required . I do small light industrial installations which are basically upscaled domestic, and when I see something I don't know I get someone else to do it, and learn from them. I have never claimed expertise in BS7671, and I suspect many on here haven't's a reference.
However, I do have the ability to interpret stuff, and I do have the ability to carry out simple installations in a safe manner, so I am entitled to have an opinion on some practices where I have had actual experience.
I have on-hands experience of marine electrics, for 40 years, I have on-hands experience of DIY lighting and RFCs for 40 years, I have hands-on experience of domestic electrics and plumbing for 40 years, and I augment my experience with over 200 hours of CPD every year...
So, no...I don't have a full copy of BS7671...
(but I do have the latest 5th edition ISITEE! and I do test to it every time!)
Thus, you are completely correct...I am NOT an electrician, and thus as a non-holder of a full BS7671 my views and experience are absolutely useless, valueless and totally crap.
Oddly...some folks on this forum have found some of my experience mildy useful...
So, when I suggest that terminating a redundant cpc outside an enclosure isn't the worst sin in the world, I am happy to say that i do it...and if you insist that I enclose it, so be it...
I suspect that many on this forum have done that, and while being far from perfection, it's better than some of the other "solutions" we have all encountered. OK, I'm "unqualified"...but I am competent, which is all that is required in the areas in which I work... and having the Unite Guides to hand means I can get the basic data I need when I am in doubt. Armed with my proper 2-pole Fluke tester and my Kewtech MFT, I am confident that my workmanship is better than the average builder's electrician, so in summary, I can defend my external connection of a cpc on a lighting circuit by saying it doesn't comply, but it also doesn't contravene enough to put me in jail. The bathroom fitter who ignores that available cpc and uses a class 1 fitting within zones (as he did in my house, twice) shows no regard for the regs, so where does that leave us?
No more to say on this!