Right I’m going to throw a rock in the water.
There’s been a lot of debate about earth clamps and SWA. To my mind, conventional clamps shouldn’t be used. But I kept on thinking back to cable jointing and constant pressure springs. I had a dig around and found 3M can supply the springs and copper braid separately from joint kits.
This could save a lot of time and trouble for you guys.
There’s been a lot of debate about earth clamps and SWA. To my mind, conventional clamps shouldn’t be used. But I kept on thinking back to cable jointing and constant pressure springs. I had a dig around and found 3M can supply the springs and copper braid separately from joint kits.
This could save a lot of time and trouble for you guys.
- SB1 12mm
- SB2 19mm
- SB3 25mm
- SB4 38mm