She didn't realize it's not much good for insurance purposes if it's for one year or five. :frown2:
Its amazing (well maybe not really) how folk, even after you have explained to them, that the purpose of a EICR is to "determine the condition of the electrical installation, to check that it meets the requirements of the regs and that it is safe to continue using", still expect a "pass".
I did one on a sunbed shop a few months back. I found numerous problems a couple requiring immediate action. The owner was very disgruntled and accused me of trying to rip them off. The bottom line was, it had high zs readings on quite a few circuits, no rcd's, no bonding of any kind to the gas and incoming water (lead pipe). I deemed it unsafe and offered them the EICR with a list of various codes, explained what was required and that it needed urgent repairs and improvements.
They paid my bill for the report and said they'd be in touch the following day about the works to be done.
Never heard a thing from them. A few weeks later a mate of mine told me that the owners had got a second opinion from another spark and apparently he issued them a "satisfactory" report.
So this is what you are up against, clients who don't want the hassle or the cost and unscrupulous sparks who just wanna earn a quick easy buck.
I'd rather sleep a night to be honest