.Thanks guys. I may have been a bit hasty this morning. Yesterday was just a nightmare and instead of instilling some confidence I felt it more highlighted my inadequacies. I've always struggled a bit with the testing side of things. I've had some 1st and 2nd fix experience and got on with that no problem but when it comes to testing...
I can never remember the combinations of main switch/RCDs/MCBs on or off, what temporary link goes from where to where, what do I need to remember to disconnect when doing an IR, etc.
I'm an honest guy and I'm thinking, if I can't do this in my own house then why should I expect customers to pay for it!
But, I'll have another go this weekend and see how I get on
EAL Domestic installer...........5 day wonder
Well I'm pleased to report that after all my worrying I passed my assessment yesterday morning. It wasn't half as bad as I thought it was going to be. The assessor really put me at ease and I would even go as far as saying that I actually enjoyed it!
I managed to answer all the questions and perform the testing asked of me without looking in any books. It's surprising how much you remember!
Thanks to all for your previous support.
I think thats a great start!
There is nothing worse than an ignorant arrogant 5 day wonder!
You show that you DO have knowledge and the will to learn, by the very fact you doubt yourself shows you HAVE the knowledge to do well!
If your local to me I would be willing to help, if not just keep practising at home and it will come.
The more you learn the more you realise how little you actually know!!!