Every spark in that area should go get a 8 " cross and show solidarity with this spark and let the local paper see the crosses in there vans..
This would NOT be happening if the bloke were muslim/hindi or some other religion that Screams from the roof tops when some stupid clipboard person says''can't have that old boy'
The local sparks, unions and local churchs and ex services groups should be ALL backing this man to the hilt.
I think this is a really good idea, and I'll be getting one of these palm crosses for the motor.
As has already been said NOBODY of other faiths or religions (apart from the nuts and bombers) gets offended by symbols and icons of other faiths. It is just the powers that be who seem hell-bent on destroying any identity this country had..... and for what? So they can't be sued, presumably. This is what needs to change in the western world, the horrible blame culture that has crept into every day life, it should be made much more difficult to take somebody to court for reasons such as this. Maybe then people will start taking responsibility for themselves and stop trying to make a quick buck out of anything that may happen to them or anything that could be loosely construed as 'offensive'.
I apologise for the rambling nature of this post, I think I may still be drunk from last night......