Hi I'm currently doing an apprenticeship in electrical installation, and have been doing it for about a year and a half now. After having a reasonable amount of experience and meeting different people and seeing other kind of work I've taken an interest in the fire and security area. Recently I have been very interested in the techy side of it, I've always been into small gadgets and so and any bit of data I get I'll do at work and I'm happy to do it. I've come to a bit of a problem though a lot of people have told me that it's not worth getting into as it don't pay as much and it's not hard blah blah. But to me it looks like something I would really enjoy and if it pays £2 an hours less I'm not really bothered. But I don't know wether carry on with my apprenticeship as I'm half way there or just start a new in the fire and security side. I'd also like to know the sorta day you have and work you do (fire alarm guys/data boys)Thanks George