Loving that mate.
Will it fit?
Will it fit?
Loving that mate.
Will it fit?
The graphic looks spot on, but I think the typeface should be sans seriff (eg Calibri) to make it stand out, with a larger E and F to separate the two words, eg:hows this look guys for the pic, just had someone make it up for me as we were struggling to get a vector image.
By "Vector Image" do you mean you can't just grab it straight off the top of the page?
Late arriving at this very worthy effort , I know,
5 sounds like a nice even number "so let it be so"
Well done to phi7677 and Jason and all who are involved
Just a thought on postage costs
Would there be any advantage in posting a collection address
We could send a letter with our own address enclosed on a return envelope,"with a stamp on it of course"
Reply to the thread, titled "electricians forums pens" which is posted in ElectriciansForums.net News and Updates on Electricians Forums.