Wow you are doing a good job, i would buy one, and suggest to my friends too. tell me how to buy it?
there should be a add to cart at the top or the bottom of the page for you. if you have any trouble let me know
Wow you are doing a good job, i would buy one, and suggest to my friends too. tell me how to buy it?
Hi, before i start I would like to say a big thank you to Dan who with his support I am able to do this.
I would like to offer an Electricians Forum pen for sale at a cost of £2.
The pens will be costing 40 pence each and 50% of the profit will go to Dans cancer charity and 50% to the take a heart campaign.
I nor dan or any of the forum members have anything to do with the pen manufacturers or the charity that the cash will be going to.
I will be posting the receipt for the money that goes to both charity`s on here after all the cash is collected in. The other forums will have their own pens for sale and we will be mentioned on the take a heart campaign website.
I really hope we can do well with these sales and not only have something for our money, but also a difference to the lives of whom we will be helping. I for one have a big debt to both kinds of these charity's as I have known people who have suffered with heart conditions and also cancer.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
If you are wanting to order a pen please post on here and i will pm you. Please do not pm me for orders as the inbox will fill up to quickly
Feel free to ask any questions you feel need answering before you buy.
I am in Leeds west yorkshire and would be more than happy for another forum member to come with me when i hand the cheque over so we all know it has gone to where it should have.
Regards Phil.
Was just about to order a few pens (5), just thought i'd ask first though, is there an alternative to paypal i.e. without the fees?
Reply to the thread, titled "electricians forums pens" which is posted in ElectriciansForums.net News and Updates on Electricians Forums.