The battleaxe, the ball and chain, trouble and strife, She who must be obeyed....the list goes on
My rock, my soulmate, the love of my life.... ?
ever a true word. so many years later we have all the vegans, snowflakes, and gender neutrals coming out of the woodwork.
xcuse me a minute whilrst i HENRY the floor.
Can do similar with copper offcuts if you've got a hole that's slightly too big, curl that copper into a tight enough shape to fit tht hole then screw away.Trying to bring this thread back on track...may we please have some more tips that help us in the daily grind?
I always carry assorted dowels and wooden golf tees...they can fill out an oversize hole that won't accept a rawl-plug, and wooden biscuits and mitre glue can save your day too.
Reply to the thread, titled "Electricians Tips from a professional electrician" which is posted in UK Electrical Forum on Electricians Forums.