Prompted by Static Zaps #22 I pondered the physics of the low frequency sound from your sub woofer. The speed of sound in air is about 350m/s so a 50Hz sound wave has a wavelength of about 7m. This wavelength is much longer than the dimensions of your sub woofer speaker and box meaning the sound it emits is largely omni-directional. However, being comparable to the dimensions of your room there may well be the effects of constructive and destructive interference between sound bouncing off your walls, floor and ceiling. Such interference for a steady 50Hz tone will produce stationary regions/directions of peaks and nulls in sound amplitude. Where you normally sit in relation to the sub woofer may well be in a peak accentuating the 50Hz hum - you said it sounded less in the showroom. I wonder then if you might experiment with the position of your subwoofer in relation to the walls and the listener. Corners will be good reflectors so perhaps try locating the woofer away from them. Lastly, maybe put some sound absorbent material behind the sub woofer - a curtain? - so the predominant sound is from the speaker towards the listener than from reflections off near walls behind it. So, some trials. Top end Hifi buffs will be able to provide their experience on locating speakers and room acoustics.