Corey Hi worst thing about self employment is getting off the start grid, what I did was to sit down and think outside the box, expand your prospects IE try Hotels, B+B,s etc pubs clubs restaurants.Small building companys that are well known in the trade. Bakeries chippies, chinese take aways, draw up a well crafted letter of introduction, vista print do busines card for free just the postage to pay and they are here in a few days, then do some cold calling try and speak to the guy or woman in charge and hand them your letter personally, or if you must leave it with the receptionist make sure you get a name and phone a few days later and ask for that person, be brief but not hurried, introduce your self and ask" did you get my letter of intro" invariably they will say no, or I don't think so, again briefly introduce your self, outline the reason for your call, then, and this is important say nothing, let he /she reply, it's so easy to keep talking and you end up ending the call /conversation, what you want to happen is the guy to say yeah ok drop in and see me. If you go down the flyers route IE blitz an area with leaflets don't fill it with lots of colours,expletives like CALL NOW FOR SUPER SAVINGS ON ELETRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Company name, phone numbers and your business activity is all thats needed, remember keep it simple and always leave a card flyers are fine but who keeps them ? a card is easy to pin up next to the phone I have went back to customer years later and saw my old business card still there. try and get away from concentrating on domestics they are fine, but Joe home owner can be bloody akward. For a bussiness name try and include the phrase "Electrical" IE Joe Soap Electrical saves time and they get the point right away Best of Luck