Maybe I'm missing something but I feel like people are mixing up ADS and EEB.
ADs is where the cases of class 1 equipment and other electric casings eg swa armour and steel conduit are all connected to the neutral at the substation (via the cpcs in the installation and on via the dnos CNE conductor, or separate CPC in tn-s or even the installation earth rod and the substation earthing.)
The purpose of ads is to remove the supply withing 0.4s or 5s of a fault, thus reducing the danger to occupants.
eeb is earthed equipotential bonding, and refers to the connection together of the main earth and any extraneous conductive parts. Those are anything likely to introduce a potential (usually thought of as earth potential, but could be other than earth in some situations with tn-c-s) from Outside the building.
So as you can see the fault inside the installation is handled by ads, and faults outside are handled by equipotential bonding.
Now I'd agree that the bonding will also reduce voltages between the water pipe and the kettle during those 0.4 seconds, but that is because the water pipe is introducing earth potential. But even so, it will be cleared within 0.4s so that is classed as sufficient for safety.
I hope that makes sense as I'm on my phone so it's basically impossible to edit. And thanks for the interesting discussion.