A while back I changed a CU for a customer - and knowing she was going to have building works I installed a CU with plenty of spare ways .......
Yesterday I was doing a small change to the socket circuit - and before I changed it I checked the continuity readings .......... these showed a break in the neutral.
So I asked the client to see what the builder / spark had put on their certificate ............. it turns out that they hadn't done any (changes were made to at least 3 circuits).
In the reply they stated:
"Dean said it wasn’t essential as it’s a new circuit board but they will come out and do it for me"
Lazy ................
They don't believe in using wago boxes - a turn or 2 of insulating tape will do ................ nor having earth connections from back boxes to the metal fittings ............. and that's what I noticed without looking!
Yesterday I was doing a small change to the socket circuit - and before I changed it I checked the continuity readings .......... these showed a break in the neutral.
So I asked the client to see what the builder / spark had put on their certificate ............. it turns out that they hadn't done any (changes were made to at least 3 circuits).
In the reply they stated:
"Dean said it wasn’t essential as it’s a new circuit board but they will come out and do it for me"
Lazy ................
They don't believe in using wago boxes - a turn or 2 of insulating tape will do ................ nor having earth connections from back boxes to the metal fittings ............. and that's what I noticed without looking!