With the greatest of respect, you are 100% incorrect in this instance. Please examine the afforementioned literature and also contact your local DNO for further assurance if needs be.
There are probably hundreds of seperate threads on these forums regarding the exporting of a suppliers TN-C-S system and all conclude with the same answer which is, it's absolutely fine to do so providing any exposed steelwork/pipework that may be present in that building is connected to the installation M.E.T/B.E.M.T via a suitably sized main protective bonding conductor.
To continue in your current vane is non productive and misleading to others.
You are wrong, TT and rod it, end of story, sorry, mod or not you are not correct
You are wrong, TT and rod it, end of story, sorry, mod or not you are not correct
was saying you can connect an outbuilding to a PME system as long you earth it accordingly. Alternatively you keep it seperate and TT it.
can you prove this please with some regs... i still disagree
You are wrong, TT and rod it, end of story, sorry, mod or not you are not correct
With no respect as i have lost any possible after reading the rubbish and poor attitude you have shown here, i am in utter disbelief. It has been clearly pointed out to you by IQ and many others than you are wrong. I have made mistakes on this forum and been corrected and been glad of the correction as this forum helps all of us learn no matter how experienced. You clearly think you know best. When you DONT. I advise you eat humble pie admit a mistake post an appology and be done with it. Or how will anyone take your advise seriously again? And you can export a tncs earth!!
Guidance Note: No. 8: Earthing and Bonding
Where does it say im wrong hawk81?
Reply to the thread, titled "Exporting the earth?" which is posted in Talk Electrician Forum on Electricians Forums.