Did you perform the IR test after you secured your second fix (screwed all accessories such as socket fronts in place)?
The reason l asked is that l once did my IR test first with all wires connected but left the socket fronts hanging, so that the plasterer could do his bit.
When l secured the accessories, the RCD kept activating, over and over. When l performed the IR test once more, my N-E readings had plummeted to lower than 1Mohm.
The reason: When l pushed once of the socket fronts on, l had nicked the neutral wire and it was resting against the metal casing, of the backbox.
Im thinking that its a possibility that youve done the same with a line conductor somewhere.
I would follow thekinglam's advice on this one.
To locate the fault, break the ring into two radials. The bad side will have a higher resistance on the line conductor and you can identify the exact location of the fault by splitting it up further eliminating each leg until you find it.
Do you understand what we mean Leepato?
This was meant for the bottom of page 1. Didnt see page 2 (sorry)...