There are a mixture of things that are having a big role in people's life at the moment, the covid 19, all the challenges at that brings, the work situation, fear of redundancy, not providing for your family and then you have on top of that your health, working nights will obviously not be helping your condition, the tiredness which in return makes you feel even more down in the dumbs etc.,
At present I would say to you first of, seek some medical advice before you make any rash decisions, there is a lot of support out there these days for people who may be feeling on a low ebb for whatever reason. Just to ensure that you are thinking straight and not suffering from mental health, be it on a short term basis.
Like a few others have stated, we all get fed up now and again with the same daily drag and people choose to deal with it in different ways, Like others on here have stated I have moved around a lot from job to job when i felt I had enough, fresh challenges and new ventures always seem to do it for me, even trying something completely different for short periods or a mixture.
Someone mentioned maintenance work earlier, that is a good filler, can still do some electrical work but also throw yourself into different trades occasionally on a multi- skilled basis, it's good to have a bit of variety in your life
IMO it helps to maintain a healthy body both physically and mentally
Good luck whatever direction you take