I’m trying to find a frost stat that will facilitate the switch off of mains power 230VAC to both a fish pond pump & UV clarifier (combined <2 amps) when outside temperatures drop below 1 deg C or similar.
To prevent hysteresis the power supply should not be reapplied until the temperature has raised significantly above this level, say to about 4 deg. C.
The device would be installed electrically into the system after a simple in line timing device.
The problem I have is that in cold weather my external pond filtration tanks freeze so pumped water from the pond floods and/or if the outlet pipe is already frozen the pump may be damaged.
Leaving the pump running 24/7 is not an option for me..
Could you please advise If any models of frost stat in your ranges would be suitable for the application please and my nearest stockist? It would be installed either inside a garage near to the pond or in a suitable enclosed but vented exterior weatherproof box..
I’m trying to find a frost stat that will facilitate the switch off of mains power 230VAC to both a fish pond pump & UV clarifier (combined <2 amps) when outside temperatures drop below 1 deg C or similar.
To prevent hysteresis the power supply should not be reapplied until the temperature has raised significantly above this level, say to about 4 deg. C.
The device would be installed electrically into the system after a simple in line timing device.
The problem I have is that in cold weather my external pond filtration tanks freeze so pumped water from the pond floods and/or if the outlet pipe is already frozen the pump may be damaged.
Leaving the pump running 24/7 is not an option for me..
Could you please advise If any models of frost stat in your ranges would be suitable for the application please and my nearest stockist? It would be installed either inside a garage near to the pond or in a suitable enclosed but vented exterior weatherproof box..