i have been approched about the 45.3 p Fit, it was from utility warehouse. Dont have the full details, but if you sign with them you get the higher rate, they were into me to sell it to customers.
I looked into them a few years ago, and what put me off was the american style selling, and it felt a bit like pyramid selling, the more pople you get on board the more you get , then become higher up the laddrer and recivee more money.
Felt a bit, happy clappy for me, but appertley some people make a lot of money.
Not me though
I looked into them a few years ago, and what put me off was the american style selling, and it felt a bit like pyramid selling, the more pople you get on board the more you get , then become higher up the laddrer and recivee more money.
Felt a bit, happy clappy for me, but appertley some people make a lot of money.
Not me though