Forum Sponsors are wanted. is a sister to which is the UK's largest and busiest (and most friendly) tile and tiling forum, and it's only one behind being the largest on the planet - and it's only a matter of time before we are the biggest on the planet.
Benefits to sponsors:- is a sister to which is the UK's largest and busiest (and most friendly) tile and tiling forum, and it's only one behind being the largest on the planet - and it's only a matter of time before we are the biggest on the planet.

Benefits to sponsors:-
- A sponsor is allowed to advertise in the forums in reply to members requests, or in new topics in an article style format.
- A sponsor would have their banner displayed to all members on every page of the forum.
- A sponsor would have their username marked as a sponsor so the members can trust their forum contributions.
- All sponsors of all forums get Search Engine Optimisation consultation provided by myself. (more details on request).
- All sponsors of rank in the top 10 in Google for their main key phrase / key words! And the same could be done for this forum too.
- The forum is a growing community that's in its infancy stages, with this taken into account the first few sponsors would receive a discount compared to the normal prices.
- We're fairly loose with the terms - so if you have something in mind then please get in touch.
- Electrical course providers
- Electrical tool suppliers
- Electrical wholesalers
- Trade related products and / or services
- Business related products and / or services