Hi, new member here and homeowner. I asked for an Electrical certificate to be produced when I purchased my home in Sept 2020. One was produced which looked legit, Ill admit I didn't think to double check but not sure if many people like me would have, I am a single mother with two children. Anyway fast forward to last week and I had an electrician round to look at a couple of jobs such as loose sockets etc. When he took the front off the socket he asked who had done the wiring as it wasn't earthed correctly and hadn't been done to a good standard. I dug out the electrical certificate (attached - stroma) and upon investigation it appears to be fraudulent. I cant find the company's phone number but I have found them on companies house with an address. I contacted stroma who haven't ever heard of the electrician or company. I then contacted my solicitor who are saying it is nothing to do with them but they will act on my behalf to contact the homeowner to try to get this resolved. At this point I should point out I have the home owners personal phone number but unsure whether to contact him myself. I have in the meantime got another electrician out to produce a report (attached-napit). This has confirmed that the first report is a load of rubbish. I.e the first report says the wiring is 3 years old, the new report says 40! There are 5 c2's on the report which means it should never have been signed off as satisfactory. My question is what do I do? Who is responsible? Stroma cant help as it is not a registered electrician. I have tried to call trading standards but it seems to be citizens advice phone lines who have told me to contact solicitors and solicitors have as good as said I need to shell out more money to pursue this. Is this a case for a small claims court?