Don't understand this statement at all. They were new when installed most likely. Suppose your using a 2nd hand boiler then, 2nd hand pipes, 2nd hand bricks as well. Doesn't make much sense.
If you buy a S/H MCB it was new when first installed, but it isn't now.
If you move into a house with a CU there, the MCBs in it were new when they were installed, but they aren't now.
I'm sorry I've not been able to explain myself properly - it wasn't my intention to start a row.
I just think that people should think about what is the real difference, per se, between an x-year old MCB which was installed in a CU today and an x-year old one installed in a CU x years ago, and if the former device is regarded with great suspicion because it isn't new then why not the latter?
Nobody is talking about electricians installing used gear as a matter of routine, but in circumstances where a new device is simply unobtainable, and the only alternatives to a used one are either no new/repaired circuit or an entire CU replacement, then is a bit of logical thinking around the fact that hundreds of thousands of people insert used protective devices into their lives, and rely on them for their safety, every time they move house, really not possible?
And after I moved in here I was indeed using a 2nd hand boiler for a while.