KAS1... read my post 71...
Ive provided relevent areas of the regs this falls under and even if the OP is too lazy to pull a floorboard or two up thats his call but i will re-iterate it is not bad practice it would fully comply and just throwing deep routed and empty opinions is only showing your inexperience (regarding this issue anyway)
If you wish to quote or debate my response at least post relevent area's of the reg's where it would contradict, im open to debate and will gladly step back hands in the air if im wrong or misunderstood an area of my job but ill always show my reasoning of which im waiting to see exactly why you think its bad practice, agree if other methods are available then they would be a better option but if limitation exist preventing alternative methods then choosing to add to I/H circuit is not bad practice.
Ive provided relevent areas of the regs this falls under and even if the OP is too lazy to pull a floorboard or two up thats his call but i will re-iterate it is not bad practice it would fully comply and just throwing deep routed and empty opinions is only showing your inexperience (regarding this issue anyway)
If you wish to quote or debate my response at least post relevent area's of the reg's where it would contradict, im open to debate and will gladly step back hands in the air if im wrong or misunderstood an area of my job but ill always show my reasoning of which im waiting to see exactly why you think its bad practice, agree if other methods are available then they would be a better option but if limitation exist preventing alternative methods then choosing to add to I/H circuit is not bad practice.