I'm just coming to this installation, the board in the garage needed changing so I have done that, the cable supplying this board is from the main cu in the house.
In terms of mechanical protection, I assume you mean protection from nails screws etc. I'm only going to be able to check this if I pull down all the plasterboard ceiling.
Where the cable enters the garage from the house it runs in conduit into the new board in the garage.
The cable does not run outside its all run inside the house in ceiling void. Cable is rcd protected at the main cu in the house.
In terms of mechanical protection, I assume you mean protection from nails screws etc. I'm only going to be able to check this if I pull down all the plasterboard ceiling.
Where the cable enters the garage from the house it runs in conduit into the new board in the garage.
The cable does not run outside its all run inside the house in ceiling void. Cable is rcd protected at the main cu in the house.