I ran a supply to my garden shed several years ago, but now after browsing this forum for a couple of years, realise how little I know of installation methods.
Due to my CU being the opposite side of the house from my garden shed, I took my supply to shed from the downstairs ring main. I used a 3 core 4mm SWA cable using third core as earth and bonding this also to the cable armouring. I connected the SWA cable to ring main circuit under floorboards using a metal JB and the cable then goes underground (approx 500mm depth) for 15 mts to shed. The ring main is protected in the house CU by a 32A mcb and a RCD The shed has a double pole isolator feeding a 6A mcb for lights and a 20A mcb for one double socket.
I know a separate supply from CU with dedicated protection would have been better practice, but would like to ask, if the installation is within Regs and suitably protected.
I am an ex maintenance electrician with a decent knowledge of electrical theory but little experience of installation methods.
Due to my CU being the opposite side of the house from my garden shed, I took my supply to shed from the downstairs ring main. I used a 3 core 4mm SWA cable using third core as earth and bonding this also to the cable armouring. I connected the SWA cable to ring main circuit under floorboards using a metal JB and the cable then goes underground (approx 500mm depth) for 15 mts to shed. The ring main is protected in the house CU by a 32A mcb and a RCD The shed has a double pole isolator feeding a 6A mcb for lights and a 20A mcb for one double socket.
I know a separate supply from CU with dedicated protection would have been better practice, but would like to ask, if the installation is within Regs and suitably protected.
I am an ex maintenance electrician with a decent knowledge of electrical theory but little experience of installation methods.