there's still a great britain here. just temporarily underground till the politically correct, human rights, europhiles , and all the other loony lefties die a natural , painful death. when we cease to be called racist for flying our national flag, and not wanting this country's indiginous population outnumbered by foreigners, reclaim the National Health Service as ours and not a freebie for outsiders, then we can stand as a proud nation .again
Sums up the situation of this country very well there is a minority of people who will turn a blind eye to what is happening and persuade other people to follow them in the name of multi culturism. The establishment has been sucked up into this and now there is no avenue of reasonable debate as anybody who has any opposition is a racist
Just to add if I may. The punishment should fit the crime and soft prisons should be no more. Deport imported criminals and known threats to our security, and get the law on the side of the victims. Thats it for now.
We have been trying to get rid of Qatada for years and have only succeeded in furnishing him with lawyers costing us in excess of a million pounds while giving his family benefits and accommodation at our expense all because some stupid politician thought it was right to sign up fully to the Human Rights Act
"just temporarily underground till the politically correct, human rights, europhiles , and all the other loony lefties die a natural , painful death" far right wing tory facists are killing the country IMO, by separating communities regarding immigration, it also doesn't help when all public spending stops and millions go onto the dole and no tax is being paid, another problem is tax breaks for millionaires and bedroom tax against disabled people who also if over the age of 65 are now having their winter allowance stopped, there I said it, pick the bones out of that.
It was already screwed by the previous lot just a pity whatever rags you read don't inform you of this
I agree Marc, if they are genuine scum and are guilty then I would recommend they are hung and then cremated and forgotten, bloody scum, too much of this going on these days and it needs stamping out, the prison system needs an uphall, there are laws dating back centuries we still use here and it needs updating, especially regarding terrorists, child molesters and Drunk Drivers IMO
See previous comment up until 1998 we still had a death penalty and a working gallows although there were only 3 offences which still carried the death penalty Mr Blair in his infinite wisdom signed this all away in one of his first acts as PM you really do need to read a bigger cross section of the press so you are better informed
The minority rule that this country suffers from needs to be addressed and proper debate needs to take place without people being labelled racist or *****phobic by the obsessed minority, we send our soldiers to fight these oppressive terrorists in their own country yet allow them carte blanche to do whatever they want here in the name of freedom. The only complaint the IPCC should be investigating is why the police officer concerned was such a poor shot that allowed these people to leave the scene alive unlike their victim. May be the BNP have a point but they are not allowed to make their case without the P.C. brigade shouting them down we need to take our country back before it is too late if it isn't already. George Galloway is an MP who makes his position for the muslims and islamists clear we just need a mainstream MP with a spine to stand up and fight the indigenous populations corner while the obsessed minority do their best to make him unelectable while labelling him or her with the usual derogatory labels. We all need to wake up and smell the coffee people fight to save the planet for our offspring if we carry on as we pandering to these people there will be nothing for them in our country anyway