If you think that college (and C&G) are taking the ----, speak to Ofqual and Ofsted respectively, you'd be surprised what a word in the right ears does to light a fire under an establishment's ---...
Also my sons training officer is an an electrician so the kids cannot pull the wool
gaz how did you do with your am2s?
Just sat down in the van on the way home reading through this gotta hand it to you I would have blown my lid with the amount of patience you have, I once called my college on 6 different phones because they wouldn't give me a straight answer! 8 hours it took! I'm now back at college doing my mature candidate route after the mrs bearing me with the delight of a terribly naughty little daughter!
I'm 21 on apprentice wage got a daughter, a dog that eats everything! renting privately and only just scraping through!
2356-99 I'm around 60% through the pack in 4 weeks, I'm dreading the am2 when I get to it.
Kinda long and irrelevant.
Love to hear the results from you when you get them! Glad everything has panned out for you bud!
All the best!
Reply to the thread, titled "General moan about the industry" which is posted in Electrical Course Trainees Only on Electricians Forums.