The plumbers round my way used to have a district federation who set their minimum charge.
try getting a plumber out with their rates and you simply couldn't!.
i charge what I think is a fair rate for a man of my (ahem) talents.
price doesn't really come into it for the bulk of my customers.
they want a tidy ,timely and efficient service which is what I give them most of the time!
i try not to get involved too much in contract works as I want more than a curly wurly and a packet of crisps for turning up
I leave that to others to fight over their perceived 3% profit margin
exactly as above, alot of my customers trust me enough they dont even ask for quotes and wont go to anyone else, i just send them a bill at the end and they are more than happy with that, cause they know what they will get in return
the best profit is in private work for good private customers, contracting for builders is good for filling your diary up when you first get started but leave them behind as soon as your busy enough not to need them
contracting was about 85% of my stress, as a sparky your just expected to fit in around everyone else, to builders yours is just a job thats a nuisance to be fitted in between the other main building works
also they dont like it when they realise your earning more than them on a job and will do their best to cut into your profit at every opportunity
The following is a bit off topic but it might be a thought for others in a similiar circumstance;
we recently had twin girls so last year for me was all about destressing and uncomplicating my life in order to have more family time
1st stop - no longer take on contracting work for builders and the like
2nd stop - no more employing people and taking on big jobs
3rd stop - no more taking on jobs further than 20 miles from my house
4th stop - Limit costs and time consuming overheads like constructionline, cis registration, employers
Ins., 30-60 day payments, method statements, riskassessments (hell part p might even be next)
Concertrating on smaller, fast turnover, quick paying local jobs
after a year my turnover was half of the year before, my net profit was 1/3 higher!
i also had my weekends and evenings back to a degree and my overheads were MUCH smaller
food for thought!