Would you know of any report or anything stating that the effects of glint and glare through PV are not really an issue?
We are currently dealing with a Planning Officer who is highly concerned about glint & glare issues to settlements in the immediate or wider area of a planned solar field.
I don't think that he is aware that solar panels are designed to absorb rather than reflect solar radiation.
A partner of ours had an official report prepared providing calculations and technical results with regards to reflection figures for a solar park in Germany which was installed right next to an airfield. The report cost 4,000 Euros and the result is rather technical figures and I am unsure about the extent to which The Planning Officer could actually be making use of these figures…
Has anyone else dealt with an inquiry for demonstrating that there is no glint & glare to any settlements in the area?
Thank you!
Would you know of any report or anything stating that the effects of glint and glare through PV are not really an issue?
We are currently dealing with a Planning Officer who is highly concerned about glint & glare issues to settlements in the immediate or wider area of a planned solar field.
I don't think that he is aware that solar panels are designed to absorb rather than reflect solar radiation.
A partner of ours had an official report prepared providing calculations and technical results with regards to reflection figures for a solar park in Germany which was installed right next to an airfield. The report cost 4,000 Euros and the result is rather technical figures and I am unsure about the extent to which The Planning Officer could actually be making use of these figures…
Has anyone else dealt with an inquiry for demonstrating that there is no glint & glare to any settlements in the area?
Thank you!