i was working on a building site when a labourer looked at my printer and asked about it so showing him what it does and printed off a label with his name on it and stuck it on his hard hat , after a panad break (tea break to most of you ) the printer had gone , being annoyed as you would , the labourer came into the unit i was working in i told him it had disapeared , but i was about to call the police to check the tracking unit as all my tools had been fitted with micro chip trackers and it wouldnt be long before the police arrived and started looking for it ,by coincidence a police car drove onto the site ,they had called round to warn us there were some undesirables in the area and for us to keep a watch on the plant tools, very funny thing happeded then i went for a Pee and it re appeared how strange lol , never lost a tool again on that site