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Cheap dog walking grade small tennis balls with a hole in them to slip over handles, same deal using pipe insulation.
For the record, as a tennis player, I always recycle my tennis balls by giving them to my dog-owning friends...and I mean quality balls, not cheap crap! These used balls, from a premium maker, last at least 3x as long as the cheap ones! Once the dogs get them, we're talking at least 3 minutes!
Here's a quiz!
If you can name the tennis balls I use, I will donate ÂŁ10 to RNLI, so get guessing!
For the record, as a tennis player, I always recycle my tennis balls by giving them to my dog-owning friends...and I mean quality balls, not cheap crap! These used balls, from a premium maker, last at least 3x as long as the cheap ones! Once the dogs get them, we're talking at least 3 minutes!
Here's a quiz!
If you can name the tennis balls I use, I will donate ÂŁ10 to RNLI, so get guessing!

All the Slazenger tennis balls used to be made not for from me in a factory at Barnsley. They made them there for many years. Closed now unfortunately.
I have heard others with knackered knees suggesting sitting on toolboxes rather than kneeling where possible.
I was considering the Wiha speed e 2 as oddly my elbow hurts after using a screwdriver for too long.
If you can name the tennis balls I use, I will donate ÂŁ10 to RNLI, so get guessing!
Art engo
Boris Becker
Crane Sports
Pro Kennex
Pro Penn
Pro's Pro®
Tecno Pro
Pro's Pro

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Well it certainly another good example of the number of manufacturers coming out with a load of balls, these days!!
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If you are looking for something with a bulky / large round grip look up Vessel Ball Grip

The Bosch Go2 electric screwfriver is a fat handled unit. It also has variable torque, so is great for faceplate screws when set at a low level. You can turn up the torque for other work or lock it off. It saves time and obviously you don't need to use your wrists as much as with a normal driver.
I'd second both of these suggestions. Vessel make very good screwdrivers and the ball grips are easy on the hands although the range is limited. I also use the Bosch GO2 (avoid the original Bosch Go) and it's pretty good with the variable torque setting and obviously you can use any make and type of bit with it..
As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
I have one ordered so should get it Monday, will report back how useful (or otherwise) it is.
Not used if tor real yet but it has quite a nice fine ratchet action. The forwards/backwards toggle is a bit fiddly to operate and it lacks a middle locked position (handy for adjustment use), but otherwise does what it says. The hex bit holder has a good positive retention of bits and the sleeve to operate that could be used as a guide with your other hand if needed as it rotates freely.

Holding it suggests it would be easier to apply torque if hands sore than a conventional driver, but if really troubled with arthritis then repeated wrist action might not be great, compared to a low torque power driver.

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