I just wanted to share my opinion about the quality of service that was done in my company by Hawkesworth Appliance Testing.
Just noticed that this post is about working for Hawktest so my opinion is a little bit off topic.
It was first time that our company was using PAT testing service and I was a little bit sceptical about the whole "PAT testing" thing, so was following engineer (when he was not looking) for few hours
Also I've like the fact that I could see the report after few minutes when the job was finished.
(I'm assuming that other companies will test the cables the same way that Hawktest did,
can't say for 100% as this was 1st PAT testing service )
Just noticed that this post is about working for Hawktest so my opinion is a little bit off topic.
It was first time that our company was using PAT testing service and I was a little bit sceptical about the whole "PAT testing" thing, so was following engineer (when he was not looking) for few hours
Cos I was "spying" engineer when he was workinghow do you know the service was good
no engineer was now walking with measure tape and check each cable length... 99% of the cables we have are standard 1m or 1.5mdid they check all the length of the lead
Yes he did open most of the plugs and replace some fuses (old fuses were returned to me at the end of the service)did they open all the plugtops
Report had some faults listed and it also specified if there was a visual check done or the lead was tested. Visual check was done on the servers cables and some other devices that could not be switched off.did they look for any faults
For me it means that this company is up to date with technology.Also sending a report from your mobile means none of the results were checked by anyone, they could have done visuals on all of them etc
Also I've like the fact that I could see the report after few minutes when the job was finished.
Why overpay when you can get similar quality of service for less money.Not everyone believes that the cheapest price is the only thing to consider,
(I'm assuming that other companies will test the cables the same way that Hawktest did,
can't say for 100% as this was 1st PAT testing service )