Hi everyone this is my first post on here,I am in need of some advice,
Basically I rewired a domestic property 2 months ago,I have fitted a dual rcd crabtree starbreaker which is situated in the cellar,I got a phonecall the other day asking me to come back because the Rcd has tripped off 3-4 times since I finished the job.
When I arrived the customer said her electrician friend was on his way round to see me because there were a few things he thought were not right.In the time we were waiting we disscused the times the rcd had tripped and it was determined light bulbs blowing were what were tripping the rcd,I also reminded the customer that the Rcd would find any faulty appliances she may have...
When the other electrician arrived we went down to the cellar and stood at the board,17th edition Crabtree starbreaker dual RCD board, one side, up lights,down sockets,cellar lights,C,heating, other side, down lights,up sockets,shower etc.He then said 'Ive never seen this done like this before' (my face was blank) Why are the lights on the RCD,I have never done this before or seen it done,I have heard about it but never seen it.....I said this is regulation,this is how it is done,this is how I have to do it.He said blowing bulbs knocking out the RCD is inconvenient (which i understand fully).
At this stage I felt as if I was being made to be wrong in what i had done,(this is were u guys back me up)
So basically I have been asked,or told to take out one of the rcds and put all the lights on one unprotected side and the sockets etc on the other.I said I would call back to do it, just to get out and get some further advice.I rang my dad who is also a NICEIC registered electrician and explained to him what had happened,His advice was,dont do it,it will come back to you if there are any problems in the future,Its against the law(thats easy for him to say,he wasnt there)
I am thinking of suggesting low energy bulbs that will last years and see how that goes first,in my opinion after the first 10 secs they are just as good as standard bulbs anyway,
The thing is I totally understand were the customer is coming from,she is in her sixties and lives on her own,the board is in the cellar so it really is no good when the RCD trips,but waht can I do,HELPPPPP
Basically I rewired a domestic property 2 months ago,I have fitted a dual rcd crabtree starbreaker which is situated in the cellar,I got a phonecall the other day asking me to come back because the Rcd has tripped off 3-4 times since I finished the job.
When I arrived the customer said her electrician friend was on his way round to see me because there were a few things he thought were not right.In the time we were waiting we disscused the times the rcd had tripped and it was determined light bulbs blowing were what were tripping the rcd,I also reminded the customer that the Rcd would find any faulty appliances she may have...
When the other electrician arrived we went down to the cellar and stood at the board,17th edition Crabtree starbreaker dual RCD board, one side, up lights,down sockets,cellar lights,C,heating, other side, down lights,up sockets,shower etc.He then said 'Ive never seen this done like this before' (my face was blank) Why are the lights on the RCD,I have never done this before or seen it done,I have heard about it but never seen it.....I said this is regulation,this is how it is done,this is how I have to do it.He said blowing bulbs knocking out the RCD is inconvenient (which i understand fully).
At this stage I felt as if I was being made to be wrong in what i had done,(this is were u guys back me up)
So basically I have been asked,or told to take out one of the rcds and put all the lights on one unprotected side and the sockets etc on the other.I said I would call back to do it, just to get out and get some further advice.I rang my dad who is also a NICEIC registered electrician and explained to him what had happened,His advice was,dont do it,it will come back to you if there are any problems in the future,Its against the law(thats easy for him to say,he wasnt there)
I am thinking of suggesting low energy bulbs that will last years and see how that goes first,in my opinion after the first 10 secs they are just as good as standard bulbs anyway,
The thing is I totally understand were the customer is coming from,she is in her sixties and lives on her own,the board is in the cellar so it really is no good when the RCD trips,but waht can I do,HELPPPPP