Adam W
If it goes bang when you switch it on then it's broken - any idiot can see (and hear) that.
If management have decreed that you must use it by whatever means possible, perhaps you could outline the condition of this pillar drill in writing. As snowhead says you can't physically stop people using it, but management types are more likely to take notice if there's some kind of paper trail.
The law states:
"No electrical equipment shall be put into use where its strength and capability may be exceeded in such a way as may give rise to danger." (Electricity at Work Regulations 1989)
"Every employer shall ensure that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair."
(Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998)
Maybe put that in your letter.
If management have decreed that you must use it by whatever means possible, perhaps you could outline the condition of this pillar drill in writing. As snowhead says you can't physically stop people using it, but management types are more likely to take notice if there's some kind of paper trail.
The law states:
"No electrical equipment shall be put into use where its strength and capability may be exceeded in such a way as may give rise to danger." (Electricity at Work Regulations 1989)
"Every employer shall ensure that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair."
(Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998)
Maybe put that in your letter.