Who's going to be honest enough to compare hourly rate charges?
I agree that rates should be raised but you know as well as I do if the rates in your area were, for arguments sake say, £50 per hour then someone would come along and charge 45, then 40 and before you knew where you were you'd be competing for work at JIB rates. No comedy mate, fact and that's why I'm not prepared to discuss my rates with people I don't know. Don't know about where you are but this area is saturated with 5wws and their main weapon is price (and a fanatical devotion to the pope) ( someone unfamiliar with Monty Python won't get that last bit)bunch of comedians in here. undercutting war? we should discuss rates, all raise them then maybe we can earn a decent bloody wage
i think this is the nearest i`v ever seen you have a rant there murdoch...lol...I can't believe that people can be so dim.
Is the OP going to compare rates in Devon, London, Surrey and the Highlands of Scotland?
It all varies so as such a comparison is a complete waste of time.
and no I'm not declaring mine either!
What is the arms?
Sarcasm on this forum? Never.
It's the halfway house between where you are now and the 3,000+ club which we all aspire to become members of.
Out of interest...how many thread's are there in the 3,000 club lol?
What is the arms?
It's a secret - if I told you that I'd have to tell you, but I CAN tell you the most popular one at the moment is the Tumbleweed Five a Side Football Pitch.
Well im off to bed ... to dream about the 3,000 club.
Fair well - untill next time (tomorrow lol)
well i`l have a go....see if i`m any good at it caus a sure cant get me head around this leccy lark.....Aye, murdoch normally cool, calm and collected.
But, tbh - don't think i've ever seen you rant and rave either glenn LOL.
It has been said ... many times before.![]()
Reply to the thread, titled "hourly rate charge - domestic electrician" which is posted in Domestic Electrician Forum on Electricians Forums.