Sorry, correction...
"For clarity, this is very relevant as company registration seems to pre-date the beginning of actual trading activity by quite some time! - Which suggests a sole trader is behind this!"
This should of course read that the company registration post-dates the beginning of trading activity... i.e. he/they must have been running as a sole trader/partnership for some time before actually registering the company; which is fine except that potentially has quite a major impact on anyone who contracted with them before registration.
"For clarity, this is very relevant as company registration seems to pre-date the beginning of actual trading activity by quite some time! - Which suggests a sole trader is behind this!"
This should of course read that the company registration post-dates the beginning of trading activity... i.e. he/they must have been running as a sole trader/partnership for some time before actually registering the company; which is fine except that potentially has quite a major impact on anyone who contracted with them before registration.