I once had a customer trying to tell me my job,so I left the tools in his house and went and sat in my van,after about 20 minutes he came to see what was happening,I politely explained that as his knowledge was obviously superior to mine the only reason I could think of as to why he'd rang me was he must have had his tools pinched,and being the nice guy I was he was welcome to use mine and do the job himself.After a bit of dithering he appologised and promised to leave me alone while I completed the job.
...Like it,this reminded me of a job i did a long time ago,mate of mine put a fella on to me who had a factory processing plastic waste,a crop and bale machine had failed,and was stalling the process,anywho,i got there,stripped off all the panels,had a play,found two faults,one by testing,one by luck,just guessing what had been tried to overcome first,owner at me shoulder,is elated,then,starts back tracking on any cost,as i had only been their 30 mins. His argument went along the lines of,if i pay you x,it makes your hourly rate x times t,"and i'm not paying that to anyone...!" So,i asked if he was "adamant",and he said he was,and went off to the office whilst i boxed up.I left,and waited for the call..."hey,mate,you left without seeing me,and that machine is back to square-one"...i explained that was correct,save one of us wasting two hours,and the other learning about manners...I was CERTAIN that i would not be altering the machine a third time,so when i visited my mate who had set-up this gimcrack excursion,to collect my money,he asked when i would be returning to rectify things,i handed him a detailed description of problem,which went down lovely! ....and not very long afterwards,this "special customer" had other worries,so i was informed,due to his fondness of "party-products" ...yin & yang satisfied :bobby: