unfortunately the manuel is far from well translated!
It takes a bit of working out. I haven't used one of these inverters since SMA bought out the 3600TL so without a manual can't remember how it goes, but as above, they do need to be set up correctly for 2 string operation. It's not just plug in and away you go! If they did look in the manual it's entirely possible they didn't understand it, I had to 'phone a friend' for clarification the first time I did one of these!
It takes a bit of working out. I haven't used one of these inverters since SMA bought out the 3600TL so without a manual can't remember how it goes, but as above, they do need to be set up correctly for 2 string operation. It's not just plug in and away you go! If they did look in the manual it's entirely possible they didn't understand it, I had to 'phone a friend' for clarification the first time I did one of these!