I have no interest in politics but..... | Page 2 | on ElectriciansForums

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Are you bothering to vote in the upcoming general election.

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Don't know whats being said here, but almost like we'll keep voting till we get what we want?

We live in a parliamentary democracy where the parties lay their plans in manifestos and people vote on that

The point is that the SNP have had a 2nd indy ref in more than one manifiesto they won.
The current election will have another mandate - presuming they get over 50% of the MP's
in Scotland
So if there’s another referendum, and the result is for independence but before it can be instigated, there’s a new manifesto which goes to another referendum which results in a vote to stay.

Where do you stop? Surly this matter has been voted on, and should be left for some time for people to reflect.
So if there’s another referendum, and the result is for independence but before it can be instigated, there’s a new manifesto which goes to another referendum which results in a vote to stay.

Where do you stop? Surly this matter has been voted on, and should be left for some time for people to reflect.

The answer to how many of anything is 'as many a the Scottish Parlaiment vote for'

As I said in my comment ' Is the UK like the Hotel California- you can check out any time you want but can never leave'

The main point is 'the vow' was a lie and broken, tie that to the 'vote NO to independence to stay in the EU' and you have a reason to re-run it

The indy vote was lost by just over 300,000 votes
We have 180,000 EU nationals in Scotland - they almost ALL voted NO to indy, most of them will switch from no to yes

Over 75's voted by a margin of 70% NO, these people are 'moving on'

Gordon Brown, Cameron, Clegg, Milliband promised 'as close to federalism as possible' followed by the Conservatives and Labour colludung to stop powers coming to Scotland in the Smith Commission.

In the end the Scottish Parliament did not get employment law or wages, benefits (or much else)
Sounds like some of the arguments post Brexit referendum. I voted to remain, but accept the result to leave. See how we get on. We might or might not be trying to get back in, some time in the future. But don’t see you can be voting about the same thing every year or so.
Sounds like some of the arguments post Brexit referendum. I voted to remain, but accept the result to leave. See how we get on. We might or might not be trying to get back in, some time in the future. But don’t see you can be voting about the same thing every year or so.
We vote every few years for our govt based on the evidence produced for or against their viability. ?
We vote every few years for our govt based on the evidence produced for or against their viability. ?
Agreed but the system is set up for a change in government every few years, it's a relatively seamless transition.

Leaving the UK / EU is somewhat more dramatic and voted on as a permanent measure.
Sounds like some of the arguments post Brexit referendum. I voted to remain, but accept the result to leave. See how we get on. We might or might not be trying to get back in, some time in the future. But don’t see you can be voting about the same thing every year or so.

I was quite content to leave it for a few years but the broken promises and sheer contempt for Scotland tied with the leaving the EU has brought it up the agenda

In the Good Friday agreement there is a 7 year wait between referendums, had we not been leaving the EU with all the chaos that ensues I would be happy to wait.
Until they grow a brain and start counting non-voters and spoilt ballots as a metric against vote spread there is little point.

Use the above, set a threshold and if reached, pull the trigger on the existing setup; complete reshuffle of parties, leaders and political landscape until the amount of non/spoilt ballot voters increases.

When the option is death by hanging or death by firing squad, choosing any option that "may" result in quicker or less painful death seems moot, end result will be the same in pretty much the same timeframe.

Yanks had the right idea with 2nd amendment to overthrow corrupt and over-reaching governments, shame they don't have enough stones to use it in current climate, c'est la vie
Until they grow a brain and start counting non-voters and spoilt ballots as a metric against vote spread there is little point.

Use the above, set a threshold and if reached, pull the trigger on the existing setup; complete reshuffle of parties, leaders and political landscape until the amount of non/spoilt ballot voters increases.

When the option is death by hanging or death by firing squad, choosing any option that "may" result in quicker or less painful death seems moot, end result will be the same in pretty much the same timeframe.

Yanks had the right idea with 2nd amendment to overthrow corrupt and over-reaching governments, shame they don't have enough stones to use it in current climate, c'est la vie

baldelectrician has his views, which shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand. :)
I was quite content to leave it for a few years but the broken promises and sheer contempt for Scotland tied with the leaving the EU has brought it up the agenda

In the Good Friday agreement there is a 7 year wait between referendums, had we not been leaving the EU with all the chaos that ensues I would be happy to wait.
Ohh well, if thats what yous want there's no keeping yous. See you all around, in a few centuries, see how we are all fixed then.
All i know is im fed up with all the parties promises which they never deliver on.
All they seem to do is tell you what you want to hear to get your vote & then **** it up.

Parliament has embarrassed the UK & made us look weak & foolish. They seem to have their own agendas & forget that they serve the peoples vote & democracy.

As a country we voted to leave Europe.
Its simple either we accept Europe's deal or we leave without one. There should be no more delays or revotes to cancel Brexit. We not back at school in the playground saying best out of 3 or until we get the result we want. Parliament needs to grow up & act like adults, your a disgrace.

If parliament doesn't get Brexit sorted & keeps delaying it or cancels it completely then the how can we say we live in a democracy & trust our government - we can't.

Rant over lol
I will be doing my bit up here- handing out leaflets and manning the polling place

Intersting times, Labour (Scotland sub office) has just changed their stance on another indy ref.
it has went from NO to not in the labour government term to not in the first 2 years to yes if there is another mandate in 2021 (apparently this vote on Dec 12th does not count)

The Lib Dem ex MSP on the news tonight changed the same, times are changing.
They can see the writing on the wall.
Lib Dem’s will especially promise anything, to get a sniff of power.

Makes them no different to labour or conservative.

My prediction. Not who I want to win, but who I think will win.... is Tory.
And with enough seats to not have to join up with anyone else.
Predictions,,, I have been known to be wrong,,

Boris 60 seat majority over all others.
Corbyn will just keep his seat but will refuse to resign as Leader of the loosing Oppositon Party.
Swinson won't get back in, Lib-Dems will get 2 or 3 seats. They may have to do the safest Lib Dem seat resign and By-election to get her back in.
SNP, not intersted in what they do. (appologies to any Scots)
Brexit maybe a dozen.
All the other minor groups Zero.
Predictions,,, I have been known to be wrong,,

Boris 60 seat majority over all others.
Corbyn will just keep his seat but will refuse to resign as Leader of the loosing Oppositon Party.
Swinson won't get back in, Lib-Dems will get 2 or 3 seats. They may have to do the safest Lib Dem seat resign and By-election to get her back in.
SNP, not intersted in what they do. (appologies to any Scots)
Brexit maybe a dozen.
All the other minor groups Zero.
I can see why you do not do predictions Snowhead, you're not very good at them :):):)

Let me help with yours,
Johnson no majority, maybe a tiny one but I doubt it.
Corbyn will keep his seat, 30k majority, if Johnson has a small majority he will resign.
Agree on Swinson but disagree after that, 15-20 seats and no one will resign for Swinson.
SNP, I'm quite interest because they may well hold the ballence of power.
Brexit 'Party' no seats, that's none, zero, nill, zilch.
Other minor partys, Green 1.
I can see why you do not do predictions Snowhead, you're not very good at them :):):)

Let me help with yours,
Johnson no majority, maybe a tiny one but I doubt it.
Corbyn will keep his seat, 30k majority, if Johnson has a small majority he will resign.
Agree on Swinson but disagree after that, 15-20 seats and no one will resign for Swinson.
SNP, I'm quite interest because they may well hold the ballence of power.
Brexit 'Party' no seats, that's none, zero, nill, zilch.
Other minor partys, Green 1.

My prediction:
Johnson no majority

Corbyn will keep his seat
Agree on Swinson but disagree after that, 15-20 seats and no one will resign for Swinson- shoogly peg, Lib Dems to get <12 seats
SNP, >52 seats (over 50, maybe 56)

Brexit 'Party' zero
Green 1.

The SNP will probably hold a balance of power unless people are silly enough to back the LidDems after they helped the tories usher in austerity, bedroom tax etc.

If Boris fails to get a majority then he is toast- the Tories do not hang on to lame ducks

Bear in mind lots of new voters have registered and I bet the majority of them are not for the tories

Reply to I have no interest in politics but..... in the Electricians Chat - Off Topic Chat area at ElectriciansForums.net

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