Only ever worked with one kitchen fitter, he was great. He had to be, he was fitting the kitchen in my own house.
He called in to see me about a fortnight before the job was due to start and we talked through everything. We had two sets of plans, which we had gone through with a fine toothcomb. We each had a set of “agreed drawings”. He even pulled me up for the location of the waste disposal switch directly above the sink, until told it would be 5V DC control.
The Monday he showed up I’d given him a clear canvas to work on. All electrics done, gas and water done except for the last foot or so.
He arrived at 8AM all the units were booked to arrive at 11. Three hours he would normally spend snagging problems, we sat and chatted, drinking coffee until the stuff showed up bang on time. He had to alter several of the units for which I was supposed to be charged extra for, never a mention of it when the final reckoning came.
I suppose buying a German made kitchen was worth it, the workmanship was incredible. (It did cost more that I’d originally paid for the entire house)!
All the original kitchen cupboards and bases I installed in the loft for use as part my darkroom. He even gave me a hand with that, free gratis.
So they’re not all bad, if treated right. I had my standards, he had his, agreement is the key.